Webb Rise, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 5PA

01438 222300

Moss Bury Primary School

The Content of our Curriculum

With Learning Commitments as the driving intent behind our curriculum, teachers also follow Long Term Plans to ensure that all curriculum content is taught at the correct age and stage. These are posted below and can show parents exactly what their child is learning in each subject at any point in the academic year.

Our Curriculum in Detail 

To ensure that our teachers know what to teach and when to teach it so that children's knowledge can develop in a logical and cohesive way, we provide in-depth curriculum plans for subjects where this is appropriate. Parents can click to download the documents below to find out, in detail, exactly what children will be learning in each unit of their curriculum.  

Our Writing Curriculum

Our Mathematics Curriculum

Our Science Curriculum

Our History Curriculum

Our Geography Curriculum

Our Computing Curriculum

Our PE Curriculum

Our Art & Design Curriculum

Our RE Curriculum

Our PSHE Curriculum

Our Spanish Curriculum

Our Music Curriculum

We use Hertfordshire's music scheme for schools, Charanga, to support the teaching and learning of this subject. Information can be found in the file list below:

 0.1 Scheme Overview [en].pdfDownload
 0.2 Vocabulary Years 1–6.pdfDownload
 0.3 Knowledge & Skills - Year R.pdfDownload
 1. Knowledge & Skills - Year 1.pdfDownload
 2. Knowledge & Skills - Year 2.pdfDownload
 3. Knowledge & Skills - Year 3.pdfDownload
 4. Knowledge & Skills - Year 4.pdfDownload
 5. Knowledge & Skills - Year 5.pdfDownload
 6. Knowledge & Skills - Year 6.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Knowledge Organisers 

To give children support in making the knowledge that they learn as sticky as possible, most subjects use Knowledge Organisers. These are shared with children at the beginning of each unit of work and referred to throughout the unit as a way of revising and making explicit links between what they have been taught. Some of our Knowledge Organisers can be downloaded below. 

Music Knowledge Organisers

 Knowledge Organiser Year 1.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Year 2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Year 3.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Year 4.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Year 5.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Year 6.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Computing Knowledge Organisers

 Year 1
 Year 2
 Year 3/4 A
 Year 5/6 A
Showing 1-4 of 4

Modern Foreign Languages Knowledge Organisers

Parents who wish to know more about the curriculum being taught in our school can browse the other webpages under the Curriculum tab. If you have any further questions, please email Joe Henley on joehenley@mossbury.herts.sch.uk