Kate Parker Chair of Governors
I had 10 years previous experience in the early years ages 0-11 years, and achieved early years professional status.
I currently work within the local area alongside multi agencies to safeguard the community. I have 1 child at the school, so I would like to support and encourage Moss Bury to be the best it can be for all of the school community.
Term of office: 4 years Committee: Standards and Curriculum Appointed by: Full Governing Body
Steve Kiss Co-opted Governor
I worked for many years in a large corporate environment managing the delivery of IT services. For the last 5 years I managed a large departmental budget. My career progression was in part due to the education I received. After I retired, I wanted to continue to use the skills and experience I had gained to help within our community. I firmly believe that all children deserve a good education and that this education will help them get the best opportunities in their adult lives. I also believe that the social and behavioural skills children learn at school are equally important. I joined as a governor to support the school in their work to educate and train our children.
Term of office: 4 years Committee: Finance Appointed by: Full Governing Body |
Lisa Smith Staff Governor |
I qualified as a teacher in 2006 and have been a teacher here at Moss Bury for the last 7 years. I have always had a special place in my heart forwarding in Early Years and whilst I am currently teaching in Reception, I am also the Early Years Leader. I grew up in the local area and have lived in Stevenage all my life so wanted to be on the Governing body to find out more about the inner-workings of this amazing school, and to be a voice for the staff and children whilst also having the wider community at heart.
Term of office: 4 years Committee: Standards and Curriculum (Chair) Appointed by: Full Governing Body |
Andrew Smyth Parent Governor |
Term of office: 4 years Committee: Standards and Curriculum Appointed by: Full Governing Body
Clare Churchill Associate Governor
I joined HCC H&S Team in 2015 and have worked for HCC for over seven years. In addition I have a degree in Health and Sports Studies and previous background and qualifications in Human Resources. It was following a H & S audit of Moss Bury Primary in 2018, that I asked if I could assist the school further by becoming a Governor for the school. Moss Bury is a local school to myself, and there is such a lovely feel to the school, but the building has been left behind. I knew that any additional efforts to bring the school buildings to a standard equivalent to the welcome in the school, would be time well spent and has been a pleasure so far. I will enjoy being a small part of a great transformation for the school under new leadership.
Term of office: 4 years Committee: Finance Appointed by: Full Governing Body |
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