Webb Rise, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 5PA

01438 222300

Moss Bury Primary School

  1. News
  2. Modern Parenting Workshop - Year Six Parents

Modern Parenting Workshop - Year Six Parents

8 December 2023 (by admin)


Please find attached leaflet promoting a parent/carer workshop that the Stevenage Mental Health Team are going to be delivering in collaboration with The Nobel School. This is a workshop focused on ‘The Modern Parenting Experience’. The focus will be on supporting parents/ carers in understanding common difficulties effecting mental wellbeing, see leaflet for details. This workshop is being offered Stevenage wide, beyond just MHST schools, inclusive of all Year 6 primary school parents & carers/ all secondary school parents & carers to increase accessibly and raise awareness. To promote prevention and early intervention, we are offering to all Year 6 parents due to the likelihood of these young people attending a Stevenage secondary school.

If you would like support to book on to this workshop, please contact Mrs Young.