Webb Rise, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 5PA

01438 222300

Moss Bury Primary School

  1. News
  2. Nasal Flu Immunisations

Nasal Flu Immunisations

25 September 2023 (by admin)

The Nurses are in school this afternoon, Monday 25th September, to give the children their Nasal Flu Immunisations.

If you have had trouble completing the Parental Consent form that was sent out on the jotter and you wish for them to have their Flu Immunisation, you can email the school before 12:00pm today and we will pass this information onto the Nurses.

If you send consent via email, the nurses may want to contact you so please include your child’s full name, date of birth, year group and a contact telephone number where they can reach you today.